The Value of Trade Shows
By Diane Crosby If you have never been to a trade show, it is hard to understand how overwhelming they can be. Even the small ones can tax the...

How the Arms Industry is Reshaping Itself
By Vegim Krelani The arms industry has always been a reflection of the world’s evolving geopolitical landscape, technological progress and resource dependencies. In recent years, however, this sector has...

Efficient vs. Effective Challenge
By Russel Phillips Small retailers operate in a world of limited resources, fierce competition and rapidly evolving consumer expectations. At the heart of their challenges lies a critical dilemma:...

Re-Engagement Marketing
By Benjamin Roussey The meteoric rise of e-commerce in recent years, which was accelerated by the pandemic, has dramatically shifted customer behavior. In the post-pandemic world, many brick-and-mortar retailers...

Product Review: Cup of Shut the Fuck Up Coffee by Mil-Treats
When waking up in the morning, there are many methods people take advantage of to make sure they are awake and ready for the day. Perhaps you’re someone who...

Digital Transformation is Revolutionizing Retail
Sure, digital transformation may be a buzzword you hear constantly thrown around these days. But as a military surplus/outdoor/tactical retail store owner, it’s an important term to familiarize yourself...

Disappearing Products
By Diane Crosby Children may have visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, but I have something completely different going on in my brain. I have visions of...

The Timeless Duty: A Profession of Arms
By Vegim Krelani The Profession of Arms, a calling steeped in tradition, bravery and sacrifice, has evolved dramatically over the centuries. From the disciplined legions of ancient Rome to...

Product Review: The Earshield Line from OTIS Technology
By Dale Golla People do not realize how important yet fragile our human senses are. Sight, smell, sound, touch and taste are incredibly important in being able...