Product Review: Cup of Shut the Fuck Up Coffee by Mil-Treats
When waking up in the morning, there are many methods people take advantage of to make sure they are awake and ready for the day. Perhaps you’re someone who likes cold showers in the morning, or someone who gets their exercise and workout in before anything else in the day. Heck, you may even be that person who uses smelling salts for that sudden jolt of consciousness. But for the majority of us, it’s safe to say we gravitate to coffee for our morning energy. The different amounts and kinds of coffee is almost staggering for those not well versed. Going down a list I found, we have mocha, latte, cappuccino, espresso, americano, cortado, flat white, black, regular and……. Cup of Shut the Fuck Up?
No you read that right. This coffee from Mil-Treats not only has the perfect name, but is a good cup of joe when made as well. Cup of Shut the Fuck Up comes in a k-cup form and made out of 100% Arabica coffee beans. You can recieve a box of up to 12 k-cups per container, leaving you with around 2 weeks of shutting the fuck up! Not only that, but its starting line up consists of both a Dark-Roast and Medium-Roast options so everyone (no matter their preferences) can enjoy being quite. Making a cup of Cup of Shut the Fuck Up is also easy and fast since they are k-cups. Simply plop the k-cup into your Kerig machine, press down and watch the sweet coffee drizzle into your cup. Although the taste is great and gets you that well needed energy for the day, there is an obviously better use for the product!
Yes! You can finally do what some people have always wanted to do to an annoying neighbor, coworker, or family member. Hand them a cup of shut the fuck up. Someone explaining something that you already know? Cup of shut the fuck up. In-law won’t stop talking about the massive fish he caught illegally? Cup of shut the fuck up. Maybe a sibling or friend wont stop smack talking to you about the game they beat you in? Cup of Shut the Fuck Up. That gosh darn land lord wont stop bugging you about this months rent? Well I have just the product for you, and its called, Cup of…Okay maybe not that situation. Finally, say what you want to say without having to say it! This is an ultimate gift for friends/family that constantly harp on each other about various things that one another does. Hell, you can even use it to get the point across to people outside your close friends or family.
If you have been thinking of getting someone a gift that comes from the heart. Stop and consider this as the product for you. Not only are you getting them coffee that is easy to make and tastes great, but also delivering that warm feeling someone gets when being told to shut up. If you are at all interested in telling someone to shut up in the most passive-aggressive way possible, then contact Frank Mantaeu at his email frank@miltreats.com. Or you can visit his website at www.mil-treats.com and check out even more military related products, or send an email through his contact page! And remember, let him know you saw the product in ST Magazine!