Product Review: M.020 Camping Tool
By Kyle MacNall
Tactica Gear has been designing and producing knives, multi-tools & camping tools for years. Recently they sent us out their M.020 Camping Tool. This handy little device incorporates multiple tools into one slim card design.
The M.020 Camping Tool is light weight and can fit into any pocket, pouch or even a wallet. This allows the user to carry multiple small survival tools in one compact piece. It weighs just over 1 ounce and measures at 3.6 inches by 2.2 inches. It is only slightly thicker and much studier than a credit card. Included in this little camping tool are 7 useful tools. They are as follows:
-Ferro Rod Fire Starter
-Interior Rope Cutter
-Rope Tensioner
-Bottle Opener
-Tent Peg Puller
These tools could all be very important in a survival situation, or just a great tool at the campsite. The Ferro rod can be removed to strike on the side or placed in the hole to use for the sundial. The interior rope cutter protects the blade to avoid accidental cuts on the outside. The rope tensioner is great for making and tightening cordage. Lastly the bottle opener and tent peg puller just make life in the outdoors a little easier.
Tactica Gear’s M.020 Camping tool would make a great addition to any camping or survival section in your store. Hang them near the counter for a great impulse item or add them next to the camping supplies.
To view Tactica’s full line of knives and tools visit their website at www.tacticagear.com. For wholesale pricing and inquiries email sales@tacticagear.com and as always make sure to mention that you read this review in ST Magazine!