Camping Comfort Foods & Stories
By: Deborah Gantos
This recipe was provided by Dawn, a great friend of mine and superb massotherapist, who has two teenagers with voracious appetites. When I asked her if she had any good camping recipes she gave me this one. Dawn says she does not do ordinary, typical camping recipes (like my beef stew!) but likes to make “almost gourmet” dishes. Since I have featured several entrees, this time I chose dessert.
1 (18.25 oz.) box of cake mix
1 (21 oz) can of fruit pie filling
1 (12 oz.) can of Sprite®
Pour pie filling in the bottom of an iron dutch oven. (Many surplus stores carry these). Top with cake mix and then pour the can of soda pop over the cake mix, trying to evenly cover the dry mix. DO NOT STIR! This is the beauty of this recipe. It is super easy. Even fairly young children, with some supervision, can help make this.
Follow the directions of using the iron cookware: coals: on the bottom and coals on the top. Wait until the coals on the bottom are turning white. Put as many that will fit on top. Line the dutch oven with foil to make for easy clean up. You can also make this at home baking in the oven, using your iron cookware, bake at 350 degrees, using number of minutes stated on the cake mix (around 30 minutes or more). Check by inserting a knife. If it comes out clean it is done. Or, use a disposable aluminum 13×9 pan, spray with cooking spray and cover with foil. I made white cake and cherry pie mix and topped with whipped cream. Yummy. It is even good for breakfast!
Two combinations to try are:
- White cake mix with blueberry filling
- Chocolate cake mix with cherry filling
If you want to have a more autumn type dessert, try apple pie filling and spice cake.
These are just three examples for this recipe. You can use any variety of fruits with different cake mixes. If your cooler can hold a can of whipped cream you are really living it up!
Have fun and happy eating and camping!