Family Members in Business | Part 1
Subtitle: How Your Birth Order Can Affect your Position in the Family Business
Are you an only child? Are you the second born? Are you the “baby of the family? Many experts say that the order in which we are born can have considerable impact on our lives.
As the author of The Birth Order Book states: “Your birth order-whether you were born first second or later in your family- has a powerful influence on the kind of person you will be, the kind of person you will marry, the type of occupation you choose-even the kind of parent you will be.” (Leman, p. 9)
I am almost always right. (Ok so I don’t have a perfect score even though I am a first born!) You guessed it. A first born or only child (FB/Os) tends to be quite the “lovable perfectionist”[s]… [with a ] “sense of fair play”… “and sensitivity to others” in their life approach. (Lemen, 1980, p. 4) Why do you think that is so?
I will pause here and let you take a guess.
How the Order of Your Birth Can Affect How Your Work and Personal Life
Are you an only child? Are you the second born? Are you the “baby of the family? Many experts say that the order in which we are born can have considerable impact on our lives.
As the author of The Birth Order Book states: “Your birth order-whether you were born first second or later in your family- has a powerful influence on the kind of person you will be, the kind of person you will marry, the type of occupation you choose-even the kind of parent you will be.” (Leman, p. 9)
I am almost always right. (Ok so I don’t have a perfect score even though I am a first born!) You guessed it. A first born or only child (FB/Os) tends to be quite the “lovable perfectionist”[s]… [with a ] “sense of fair play”… “and sensitivity to others” in their life approach. (Lemen, 1980, p. 4) Why do you think that is so?
I will pause here and let you take a guess.
Answer: Because there are no other siblings to compare them to or others to deflect parents’ attention. The FB/Os are set higher standards by their folks. Thus, they strive to excel to gain favor by always trying to excel and achieve. They do this by making sure they are as “perfect” as they can be to gain Mommy or Daddy’s (or both!) approval.
What is the upside of this birth position?
FBOs and Os get tons of attention! Everything they do is special and they get much encouragement to achieve. They are confident about being taken seriously by others.
They are born into a world of adults and so they learn how to act around them to get what they want.
This usually results in being mature beyond their years. First borns are often leaders and/or high achievers. In the US as of 1984, 52 presidents were first borns. They also dominate Rhodes scholars, university professors and other prestigious groups. “First FB/Os “are known for strong powers of concentration, tolerance and patience and being organized and conscientious. All of these traits give them a distinct advantage in many professions.” (p.44)
What is the downside of this birth position?????
Answer: Because there are no other siblings to compare them to or others to deflect parents’ attention. The FB/Os are set higher standards by their folks. Thus, they strive to excel to gain favor by always trying to excel and achieve. They do this by making sure they are as “perfect” as they can be to gain Mommy or Daddy’s (or both!) approval.
What is the upside of this birth position?
FBOs and Os get tons of attention! Everything they do is special and they get much encouragement to achieve. They are confident about being taken seriously by others.
They are born into a world of adults and so they learn how to act around them to get what they want.
This usually results in being mature beyond their years. First borns are often leaders and/or high achievers. In the US as of 1984, 52 presidents were first borns. They also dominate Rhodes scholars, university professors and other prestigious groups. “First FB/Os “are known for strong powers of concentration, tolerance and patience and being organized and conscientious. All of these traits give them a distinct advantage in many professions.” (p.44)
What is the downside of this birth position?????
Answer in my next post……..